The purpose of this procedure is to define the process related to appeals and their resolution.
Executive Director of LIUNA Training
When an entity or an individual disagrees with a LIUNA Training curriculum- or accreditation-based decision, the following process can be initiated.
Appellant contacts LIUNA Training and communicates the desire to appeal a specific decision.
Any appeal must be filed in writing within 30 days of the issuance of the decision from LIUNA Training and must be postmarked within 30 days of that date. Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic dismissal of the appeal.
The Letter of Appeal must state that it is an “Appeal” and identify which LIUNA Training action is being appealed. It should include an explanation of the appeal and include copies of all relevant support documentation. If there is a decision document involved, the language or text from that decision document should be referenced in the letter, to allow LIUNA Training to more readily understand and respond to the appeal. The letter must include the name, title, organization and telephone number of the appellant.
Letter should be mailed to:
or emailed to:
LIUNA Training will review the request for appeal letter and supporting documentation against organizational policy and a decision will be made. Once issued all decisions are final.
LIUNA Training will notify appellant in writing of the decision reached in the case.
Copies of the communication will be kept in a centralized location.
A yearly review of appeals will be conducted by the Executive Director of LIUNA Training to identify any trends, and process improvements will be made as appropriate.
A waiver is a request to waive a LIUNA Training policy, rule, or deadline. The waiver standard requires a showing of circumstances that could not be avoided even with careful planning.
Waiver requests must be filed in writing and should be mailed/faxed/emailed to the Executive Director at LIUNA Training.
The same decision making process is followed for waiver requests as in the case for appeals